Sunday, September 20, 2009

Destination 2010

I have been thinking about this for some time now, but it was only relatively recently that I solidified my goal for 2010. Here it is (the opening montage gives me goosebumps every time I open it)

The event in particular will be the Open Water 3km on August 7.

In the past, I have been known to keep my destinations a bit of a secret. I suppose it is a bit of a protection mechanism; if nobody knows I am doing it, nobody will know if I fail. I've never really been one to enjoy limelight either. This time, I'm putting it out there for a number of reasons:
  • I'm excited about this, so I want to share my excitement. 
  • I can switch my competitive spirit on and off and it has been in hibernation for a little while now; time to kick it into (high) gear.
  • I have a pretty lofty goal for myself; I don't want to just swim, I want to swim well and I'll need some pressure to get this done. This part of the goal will probably remain between me and a few others - I don't want to intimidate my competition too early! 
I will be heading off to the Caribbean in a few weeks for a 2 mile swim (fingers crossed that I get the time off work!) which will serve as my baseline for the 3 km swim next year.

So, back it is into the water for me and I couldn't be more excited about it. It has been a while since I've been able to get excited about a destination, so I can hardly contain myself!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Morning Swim

When I lived in Whistler, the first thing I'd do on ski days would be to stick my head out the window (from my bed) to assess the conditions. Was it snowing? cold? sunny? Could I hear the snow makers? avalanche bombs? Next, phone the Ski Patrol forecast line. It was so great to have information like that within a few minutes (and from the comfort of my bed!)

Open water swimming ... not so easy. The rain actually woke me up this morning; huge cloudbursts along with wicked gusts of wind. The real problem is that I live about a 20 minute drive from Batchelor Bay so the weather there can be quite different.

The rain did stop, but the wind was still strong and gusty. The conditions didn't stop me, Meyrick, Elspeth, Rod, Mick and Marty from braving the Bay (in fact they may have encouraged us). I took my trusty waterproof camera; MJ captured some great video footage of the swim.

As I head back to work next week, my ocean swimming season will be slowing down, but hopefully not ending! See you in the water!

The crew entering the Bay

First stop

MJ, today's photographer & videographer (taken on a much calmer day):

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Last post I was Spring Cleaning in August, now it's New Year's in September. No I haven't slipped into some parallel universe or hit my head. As I get ready to head back to work, September always feels like a "new year".

First of all, a shout out to all my friends (and I hope I remember everyone!) who participated in Ironman Canada on Sunday. Some of you had a fantastic day while others may have left feeling disappointed. Regardless of how your day ended, remember that it takes incredible physical and mental strength, determination and dedication to make it to the start line and for that you deserve congratulations. I am so proud of you all!

Karen Birkenhead (PR - Sub 11 hours)
Jay Inouye (20th Ironman)
Robert Beattie
Calla Barras
Harry Woo
Darcie Young (first timer)
Jeff Vanderende (first timer)
Dean Chittock (first timer)
Mark Shorter
Shannon Back
James Greenwood (first timer)
Caroline Greenwood (first timer)

Ironman week. The days leading up to the event, the "Big Day" and the days after make up one of my favourite weeks of the year. I've gone to Penticton every year for the past five years and whether I'm there to cheer, encourage, support or participate, I always leave feeling like I've either accomplished something or I've helped my friends achieve their goals. Even as a "spectahlete" (thanks Jill, for that term, I LOVE it!) I feel the energy build up before race day and the sudden let-down after. For me it is the natural time to regroup, assess the past year and decide what the next 12 months will hold for me.

I don't remove myself from society or go into a meditative state to accomplish this, but I do make an effort to reflect during the week. Here is the short list:
  1. I say this cautiously but I think I am noticing some improvement in my feet. Cautious because anything such as a slight decrease in activity, my new orthotics or knowing that I have a new "fixable" diagnosis can cause this. Or, It may actually be the prolotherapy doing its thing. Fingers crossed that it is the latter and that things will keep getting better. I have to maintain a careful balance of doing enough to a) keep some fitness level and b) know what I am able to do, and not doing so much that I hamper healing and increase pain (which then stops me from doing anything). It is like walking a tightrope, but if I don't step off the platform, I won't go anywhere at all.
  2. I am over my swimming "drought" and as long as I don't hammer on the walls flip-turning in the pool, it is feeling pretty good.
  3. I am ready to take on my nutrition. I have always had a hard time dealing with things separately; I am much more an "all or nothing" person, but this approach is neither healthy nor helpful. So it is not just about nutrition, it is also about managing the many aspects of healthy living even when they don't all happen at once.
  4. I went through my workout & training logs from 2006 - 2008. I put in a lot of hours training for Ironman and the Bay Challenge. This was an "off" year for me and I'm ready to pick it up again. Keeping point #1 in forefront though.
  5. I've decided on a goal for 2010. I am still fine-tuning a few points, so I won't be sharing the destination until everything has been ironed out. Here's a hint though: Swimming and Sweden.
I hope to have the details of #5 figured out shortly; it will be posted here as soon as I do!