Monday, August 3, 2009

Blog Cabin

When I was invited to spend the long weekend at "The Cabin", I could not turn down the offer. "The Cabin", as it is referred to, belongs to my friend Jenn's family. It is located about 30 km east of 70 Mile House on Little Pressy Lake. Jenn's Grandfather built it in the 1970s and it is a cabin in the true sense; no running water, no telephone, no cell phone reception, no cable. It does have electricity, so we're not entirely "roughing it".

When you head up to The Cabin, if you need it, you'd better make sure you bring it with you. Otherwise you do without or you make the trek into 70 Mile House or Little Horse Lodge. So the Escape was packed to the gunwales with everything necessary for four people for three days:

I think what I enjoy most about being at The Cabin is the way that time becomes meaningless. We get up when we wake up, eat when we're hungry and go to bed when we're tired - even if it is in the middle of the day! So the "Cabin Schedule" looks something like this (modifications encouraged):
Get up
Drink coffee
Have breakfast
Go to lake / for a walk / canoe
Have lunch
Go for swim
Happy Hour (OK - more like Happy HourS)
Any "free" moments should be spent sitting on the deck, admiring the view, listening to music, reading, enjoying the company and savoring the atmosphere.

I must mention a new addition to The Cabin: The Shower. Until very recently bathing was either a dip in the lake (which can be very quick and uncomfortable as the water often doesn't warm up until August) or the more painstaking method of heating lake water on the stove and having a sponge bath. The Shower is the brainchild of Jenn's dad. I remember being at The Cabin a couple of years ago when the first edition of The Shower consisted of a Coleman burner and some copper tubing. A few modifications later, et voila:

My favourite time to shower was around 9:30 at night - just as it starts getting dark. There is nothing like showering outside by the light of a single candle. Very relaxing indeed. I am now trying to figure how to get a shower onto my townhouse patio. But then again, even if I could sneak an outdoor shower past strata I just don't think it would feel the same ...


Anonymous said...

That looks like sooo much fun, glad you enjoyed!

JC said...

That looks like a nice weekend glad you enjoyed!

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