Sunday, August 23, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Things in life tend to fall into one of two categories: what we can control and what we can't. While one of these categories is pretty narrow (things that we can't control), the other is really quite broad; some things we have just a little control over and some things we have much control over. It seems quite simple, but of course things like this never are. A prologue of sorts: I am going to try to explain myself as clearly as possible all the while being relatively vague.

Recently, my life has been dominated by things over which I have no control. As an intelligent, rational person, I recognize that I cannot control what is going on. What I HAVEN'T acknowledged (until now) is how these events have been controlling me. In a nutshell, through all of this I have given up control of things that should be entirely within my control.

So I've had this "great" revelation, now what? Time for a little spring cleaning. (I know, there's still one month of summer left, but "late summer cleaning" just doesn't have the same ring.) Normally as we clean, we get rid of things. However that won't work right now - I can't simply get rid of what is going on. Instead, I will be doing some organizing and prioritizing to make room for the misplaced (and I know it's around here somewhere!) control.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

JC said...

You are going to feel sooooo good:)

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