Sunday, September 20, 2009

Destination 2010

I have been thinking about this for some time now, but it was only relatively recently that I solidified my goal for 2010. Here it is (the opening montage gives me goosebumps every time I open it)

The event in particular will be the Open Water 3km on August 7.

In the past, I have been known to keep my destinations a bit of a secret. I suppose it is a bit of a protection mechanism; if nobody knows I am doing it, nobody will know if I fail. I've never really been one to enjoy limelight either. This time, I'm putting it out there for a number of reasons:
  • I'm excited about this, so I want to share my excitement. 
  • I can switch my competitive spirit on and off and it has been in hibernation for a little while now; time to kick it into (high) gear.
  • I have a pretty lofty goal for myself; I don't want to just swim, I want to swim well and I'll need some pressure to get this done. This part of the goal will probably remain between me and a few others - I don't want to intimidate my competition too early! 
I will be heading off to the Caribbean in a few weeks for a 2 mile swim (fingers crossed that I get the time off work!) which will serve as my baseline for the 3 km swim next year.

So, back it is into the water for me and I couldn't be more excited about it. It has been a while since I've been able to get excited about a destination, so I can hardly contain myself!

1 comment:

JC said...

WOW Debbie that looks so fantastic! Great work on putting your goal out there. Let me know if there are some swims I may join you on for training!
Off to the Caribbean! Do you have room in your suitcase for another....I could be classified as sporting goods also! LOL!!

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