Things change. I don't think there's anyone out there who would be able to successfully argue this point. Sometimes things change for the better, sometimes for the worse. Sometimes we initiate change, sometimes we resist it. Regardless of these fine points, it happens.
So, given that introduction, it may not come as a surprise that things have changed for me. For better or for worse? I have yet to figure that out. Was I resistant? Yes. Have I accepted it? Mostly.
One thing that HASN'T changed recently is the status of my injury. I still have chronic plantar fasciitis, but instead of in one foot, it is in both - so I guess that IS a change! Anyhow, in an attempt to maintain some sort of connection to the racing world, I had decided to put Seattle to Portland Ride and Lake Cowichan Swim on my schedule for this year. Unfortunately I was not able to maintain the necessary volume, even early on in the pre-season. The result? I was experiencing a fair amount of pain and more importantly I was getting frustrated. To make matters more interesting, I will be starting prolotherapy this week and it will greatly hamper my ability to train this summer. When I finally asked Rob (one of my fabulous trainers at Innovative Fitness) "What's the point?", he knew I was done. So, he benched me. No swimming, no riding, no working out, no event spectating - nothing. I felt like I had just been fired from a job.
That was about three weeks ago. During this time (and I've have LOTS of it!) I have had to do some homework: to come up with a list of things that I can do this summer with these loose criteria:
At first I was completely stumped. Almost EVERYTHING I enjoy doing involves walking, riding, hiking, training of some sort, or just being on my feet. To say I was not happy with this new direction would be an understatement. I sat, ruminated, moped, I even looked for sympathetic friends who would tell me "Oh no, you need to keep going!" Much to my surprise my friends were supportive if not excited about the "new plan".
So the list has been started, and a couple of items have even been checked off (like writing my Blog!) It is a fairly fluid list - I add, delete, edit items almost daily. I will share it over the next little while, and hopefully some of you will join me!
So while the description of this Blog explains my ultimate goal of swimming the English Channel, and my training efforts leading up to that event, I can honestly say that it still is my long-term goal. I've just had to put it in my back pocket for a while (perhaps in a pair of jeans that doesn't quite fit right now!) I am making NO predictions as to when that, or any other event, will happen. So if you've been lead to this Blog thinking that it is about long-distance swimming, triathlon, training or anything like that, know this: it still is. The focus is slightly different right now because guess what, things change.
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