Sunday, April 26, 2009

Survey says ...

A few weeks into my training moratorium, I figured it was a good time to take stock.

PHYSICALLY - Obviously, this is where the most change has occurred. There have been equally as many positive as negative effects. A few of the more notable ones: Positive: my feet have been hurting less than in the recent past. Negative: I already feel a bit weaker / less fit. Positive: my calves are happy for the first time that I can remember! Negative: nutrition. I always find it easier to maintain good nutrition when I'm training.

EMOTIONALLY - This has been tricky ... On the one hand I am way more relaxed about my injury and its impact on my goals. However, training has always been a good way for me to manage stress. I come up with my best ideas, solve problems or clear my mind of the day's chaos when exercising. Admittedly, I have had a hard time finding a replacement for this. Many of my friends are very active in triathlon or other competitive sport and I do find myself getting a bit upset when they start talking about their summer race plans or training.

INTELLECTUALLY - I can't say that I'm smarter or less smart as a result of the change in my training situation. But, I also know that "smart" isn't the only thing that fits into this category. HOW you think is more important. I knew full well that dropping my goals for this summer was the best thing to do, yet I fought it. Just accepting the need to change plans wasn't good enough; this is why I've had to come up with a list of things to do. I have managed to keep several plants alive. As small as my garden is, I have had to give it some attention.

SOCIALLY - I am a bit of an introvert. Training has become a way for me to connect with other (like minded) people and I do miss this aspect. So, I've had to go outside my comfort zone. I've invited myself over to friends' to watch hockey and I've invited friends over for dinner. With summer coming up I will have to find other ways to get myself out of the house.

SPIRITUALLY - Not sure where I stand here. There has been a lot going on in my life recently that makes me feel like I am in a bit of a "spititual deficit". Training has always helped me reconnect spiritually, grounded me.

NOT training has been an interesting challenge for me. This will be the first summer in over 5 years that I won't be racing. It makes me wonder if perhaps I was relying on it a little too much.

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